

There’s something about the sun, something more than I fully understand. More than just a source of heat, of light, of vitamin-D. It warms me on both the outside and the inside, physically and mentally, in a way that no other energy source can provide.
Only sunlight has a sensation, an emotion that with it brings a feeling of relaxation, contentment and peace.

Noise, sounds that would usually annoy, somehow become tolerable, even enjoyable as though at that very moment, everything is as it’s supposed to be.

Photo by Sam Dessaix-Porter

Photo by Sam Dessaix-Porter

I know of no other situation in which the hysterical screams and cries of children’s laughter, the scrabble of birds arguing for ownership over of a piece of weathered bread, and the intrusion of loud conversation into my little bubble, become absolutely blissful.

Add a layer of good music, a quality coffee and a day filled with spaces where a schedule should be, and for that moment, my little bubble expands, enveloping the happiness of the world around me.

Thank you, Sun.


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